ACDelco AC354 LED Mini Aluminum Camping Lantern with 4AAA Alkaline Batteries
by ACDelco
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Review & Description
"POWERMAX" AC DELCO 7 LED 4AAA LANTERN 4AAA Battery Led flashlight Silver color
Product Details
- Amazon Sales Rank: #23722 in Home Improvement
- Color: Silver
- Brand: ACDelco
- Model: AC354
- Number of items: 1
- Brilliant display of illumination anywhere you need - compact for purse, backpack, pocket, recreation or emergencies
- LEDs produce very little heat allowing the durable aluminum body to stay cool to the touch - LEDs bulbs last 100,000+ hours
- Unique LED bulbs can run for 40+ hours on 4-AAA alkaline batteries
- Features 4 functions at the push of the button - bright - dim - blinking - S.O.S signal
- Comes with utility clip for easy clip on hanging anywhere, carrying handle and additional hook at base